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Introducing: VUE.js frontend

new version mms 7.9.3
NEW ! We migrated the frontend coding language from Angular to VUE.js. We expect VUE to be a stable and safe language for a number of years.

No new functions, we tried to keep it as close to the previous frontend as possible.

The action price of MMS ended in 2022, which makes a better reflection of the costs made for maintenance. By upgrading the price, the continuity of MMS is saved.

Current clients can renew their license for 79 EUR (VAT included).

Introducing: Stable version versie 7.9.3 is out !

new version mms 7.9.3
NEW ! 2 new functions, 8 bugfixes, 2 security improvements make version 7.9.3 a major update. To maintain quality we added new robot tests and got MMS through the ironer for changes in Acymailing 7 and several bugfixes.

Most popular new functions:

  1. Assign Joomla groups to members. In combination with the separate available MMS Logging plugin it is possible to assign groups to members through the member administration. Through these groups a multitude of permissions is available, for example for Commissions, Platforms, Task groups, and so on without having to change the membertype. These groups are added on top of the normal membership.
  2. Automatic activation of applicants. Until now, applicants always needed to be manually promoted by the secretary or a commission. The included cli script makes it possible to do this automatically.
  3. Bridge of the member portal to Wordpress. Combining the best of both (CMS) worlds: the userfriendly Wordpress environment plus the advanced Joomla intranet. Send out newsletters from Wordpress posts to an up to date list of members at the member portal instantly.

Quality is secured by the newly added robot tests that we created for Acymailing 7 and the bugs that have been solved. Read more.

Current clients can renew their license for 35 EUR (VAT included).

Introducing: Stable version My Member Software 7.8.1

new version mms 7.8.1
Introducing 7 new functions, 5 bugfixes, making version 7.8.1 an attractive upgrade. To assure quality we also wrote separate robot tests for Acymailing 6 and bugfixes. Enhancing the quality of this version to a high level.

Top 3 new functions:

  1. Added logging functions for audit trails. In conjunction with the separate MMS Logging plugin track who (Joomla user) changed what fields which old value in what new value when (date/time).
  2. Acymailing 6 compatibility.. Exactly the same mapping which we developed for Acymailing 5 that also runs as Wordpress plugin.
  3. Payment of the initial subscription fee. Redirect users to a payment page, where the subscription fee is calculated and paid online with Credit Card, Paypal or iDEAL.

Apart from this, we have added invisible recaptcha, translated MMS into French, added Quality assurance by programming robot tests specifically for Acymailing 6, made the key figures readable and solved several bugs. Read more.

Current clients can renew their license for 35 EURO a year.

New version of member software in beta

new version mms

Our new software version of MMS (7.8.0) is in beta fro now. Integrated in the new Acymailing 6 and a complete audit trail option are only a few of the improvements. To test the new functions, we added 30 robot tests, and the existing have been rewritten completely; the quality of this beta is very well.

Top 5 new functions:

  1. Acymailing 6 integration. With Aycmailing you can send professional newsletters to members. After Acymailing 5 Acyba brings us nr 6, which is a completely rewritten product that also runs on Wordpress.
  2. Logging changes for Audit Trails. Many member administrators had questions about who changed what field, when, and what old value was replaced with what new value. Updates and added members will be logged, and accessed via front or backend by using logman.
  3. French translation. The software is now also translated to French.
  4. Payment page after application. After the application, the applicants can be send to a payment page where the subscription fee is calculated and paid by Credit Card, Paypal, or iDEAL.
  5. Adding new members. We divided the permissions for adding members and the member overview.

There were also made changes in the logic, for example dates older than 1900 are now invalid.

Current clients can renew their license for 35 EURO a year.

Introducing: Stable version My Member Software 7.7.20

new version mms 7.7.20
Introducing 8 new functions, 5 bugfixes and 1 security fix, making version 7.7.20 a good and meaningfull step. We also wrote separate robot tests for all important new functions and bugfixes. Enhancing the quality of this version to a high level.

Top 3 new functions:

  1. Extra acymailing integration. Every member with a valid e-mail address is added to the Acymailing userlist. With our new Acymailing plugin, you can add the member to different lists, based on his member data in MMS. Send out newsletters from Wordpress or Joomla. Read more.
  2. Applications can be edited afterwards.. The applicants can edit their member data as long as they aren't yet approved by the administration. Read more.
  3. All customized fields and their values can have language overrides. The last step to make MMS multi langual is complete, now that language overrides can also be done on the customized fields. Read more.

Apart from this, the IBAN field is more userfriendly, the child overview for parentshas some added logic, member id = 0 isn't assigned anymore, a cli script is added that simulates database triggers. Read more.

Current clients can renew their license for 35 EURO a year.

Introducing: Stable version My Member Software 7.6.9

new stable version mms 7.6.9
With 20 new functions, 18 bugfixes and 5 redesigned functions we can safely say that the new stable version, 7.6.9, is a big step forward for all our customers.

The top 5 most demanded new functions:

  1. New plugin for Joomla profile integration. No matter where the user changes his e-mail, it will be administrated in the member administration. Read more.
  2. Parent + Child. In some organizations, members need a parent-child relation. For example when members of the organization are in a hierarchy: businesses with employees or households with children. Specific children's data (such as the end of subscription date or address) can be updated / synchronized when the parent is changed. Read more.
  3. New functions in overviews. Choose your own fields in the member overview, applicant overview and export overview. Order on the field by clicking the column name. New Search types determined by the fieldtype. Read more.
  4. 2 new fieldtypes. Add numerical fields, Add iban fields, both with specific user interface, interactive checks and search methods. Read more.
  5. New Export plugin. We created the new export plugin with the same base functions and look + feel as the member overview (both existing members and applicants. Read more.

There is also the new possibility to assign a different Joomla user group to applicants than the default Joomla usergroup, configuring which combination of fields make the Joomla user full name, logrotating of mms logfiles, overriding the date formats of the export, and so on, but those weren't in the top 5. For a full list of all changes, take a look in our documentation: Read more.

Existing customers upgrade their subscription for 64 EURO per year.

Voldoe aan de belangrijkste AVG eisen met MMS

MMS voorziet u van de tools om te voldoen aan de AVG (GDPR) met standaard ingebouwde functies.

Recht op inzage en correctie persoonsegegevens

Leden hebben het recht om hun geregistreerde gegevens in te zien die de club heeft, daarin is voorzien door leden toegang te geven tot hun gegevens. Ook kunnen leden hun eigen gegevens muteren, binnen door u ingestelde grenzen. Meer info in de documentatie.

Recht om vergeten te worden

In MMS zit de automatische verwijdering van alle lidgegevens na een instelbare periode (Retentie periode). Meer info in de documentatie.

Recht op overdracht persoonsgegevens

Na aanvraag exporteert u met 1 druk op de knop de gegevens van het betreffende lid naar Excel, waarna de data kunnen worden overgedragen. Meer info in de documentatie.

Veiligheid in het ontwerp

Door integratie in Joomla (ACL) zijn geavanceerde beveiligingen mogelijk, met verschillende niveaus en toegang tot functies binnen de club. Ook wordt de security van de code regelmatig getest, in april 2018 is de code voor het laatst gecontroleerd en goed bevonden. Meer info in de documentatie.

Garantie op goede configuratie

Wilt u een gegarandeerd correcte en veilige intranet installatie? Op aanvraag kunt u aan ons de configuratie uitbesteden of een check laten uitvoeren. Neem nu contact op.

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