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Extend Wordpress with a complete, affordable member portal

Combine the strengths of the Wordpress content management and our affordable member portal by using a custom bridge.

The bridge does 2 things: Show the member portal to members at the existing www website and sync the member data to the existing website.

Build the bridge yourself, or outsource the work to one of our Certified Partners. Contact us for more information and costings.

integrating member portal in wordpress

The technical documentation can be found here.

New: Assign all groups to your members

New plugin: assign all kind of extra groups to your members in your membership administration. For example taskforces, even temporal / flexible groups with different permissions at your memberportal. Write us before March 15, 2021 if you want to test the plugin for #free.

assign groups

The technical documentation can be found here.

New: your own member portal up and running in 10 minutes !

Introducing: My Member Software plug-and-play in English. Create your own member portal in 10 minutes. With 5 layers of permissions (guest, applicant, member, administrator and board) you can start the administration in no time, and use the intranet for your members. After the initial installation you can fine tune the already fully operating administration.


We have temporarily reduced the price of this P&P package, so you can try it out for a lower price.


mms preconfigured plug and play

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