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Introducing: Stable version My Member Software 7.6.9

new stable version mms 7.6.9
With 20 new functions, 18 bugfixes and 5 redesigned functions we can safely say that the new stable version, 7.6.9, is a big step forward for all our customers.

The top 5 most demanded new functions:

  1. New plugin for Joomla profile integration. No matter where the user changes his e-mail, it will be administrated in the member administration. Read more.
  2. Parent + Child. In some organizations, members need a parent-child relation. For example when members of the organization are in a hierarchy: businesses with employees or households with children. Specific children's data (such as the end of subscription date or address) can be updated / synchronized when the parent is changed. Read more.
  3. New functions in overviews. Choose your own fields in the member overview, applicant overview and export overview. Order on the field by clicking the column name. New Search types determined by the fieldtype. Read more.
  4. 2 new fieldtypes. Add numerical fields, Add iban fields, both with specific user interface, interactive checks and search methods. Read more.
  5. New Export plugin. We created the new export plugin with the same base functions and look + feel as the member overview (both existing members and applicants. Read more.

There is also the new possibility to assign a different Joomla user group to applicants than the default Joomla usergroup, configuring which combination of fields make the Joomla user full name, logrotating of mms logfiles, overriding the date formats of the export, and so on, but those weren't in the top 5. For a full list of all changes, take a look in our documentation: Read more.

Existing customers upgrade their subscription for 64 EURO per year.

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